What I Learned In Evangeline

This is what I Learned from being a back stage blogger for Evangeline.

I learned some facts. I learned Confederation Centre has eight entrances and everything gets shipped in in the shipping dock.

I learned a lot about jobs and working hard. Actors and directors and music directors and everybody works really hard. Acadian’s worked hard too. I learned Acadian towns had a blacksmith. Acadian’s had a hard life because the british put them on boats and sent them away from their homes and their land at Grand Pre. They had to try to find their families. They were scared except Evangeline because she just wanted to see Gabriel and she didn’t give up. She swam in the ocean and it looked like she was dead but she was not.

credit: Louise Vessey

credit: Louise Vessey

Evangeline will teach you a lot about Acadians. I learned that being an Acadian is cool. They are nice and like to sing and work hard and they don’t give up.

I loved being a backstage blogger. My favorite thing was meeting the kids in the play and hanging out backstage. They stay in the green room when they aren’t on the stage. They play chesscheckers. Micah is one of the kids in the play and he goes to my school and theatre camp and I liked getting to know him. This is us today.

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Evangeline is really amazing and lots of people are liking it. I get to see the whole play soon and I’m really excited!!!!!


About oscar

Human, I think.
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5 Responses to What I Learned In Evangeline

  1. Sock Girl says:

    Hi Oscar,
    I am so glad that you have been blogging about the play Evangeline because I learned so much from your reports! Thank you for taking the time to tell us all about plays and Acadians and so many wonderful things. I hope that you keep blogging about other things you find interesting around you.

  2. Hi, Oscar. I have really enjoyed following your blog posts about the show. I live in Chicago, but I wish I lived closer so that I could see the play in person. I checked Google Maps and would take me 24 hours to drive the 1,550 miles / 2,500 km to PEI. I’m glad I could feel a part of the experience from reading your blog posts!

  3. Theresa Cormier says:

    Hi Oscar .
    Grandpapa and I are so proud of your great job you have done posting about the show Evangeline. We have learned so much thanks to you!!
    We also loved the photos on Facebook of your weekend kneeboarding! Maybe you could blog some information on what we need to know to kneeboard!! It looks like lots of fun too!. Bye for now Oscar.
    We love you!!!

  4. Norma Doucet says:

    WOW!!! Thanks Oscar for all this great information. I would really love to go see the play and I am so jealous of all the fun you are having and getting to know all the actors and actresses. You are a very good blogger, keep up the great work. I was so happy to see you again this summer and was proud when you won 2nd place in the parade…I’ll help next year and maybe we can get the 1st place prize next summer. sending you a big hug sweetie. ((( )))

  5. Deryl says:

    Hey Oscar, I am Jacob’s dad. great job on the blog. I’m in the orchestra this year for Evangeline so I don’t get to see the show so your description of the story was helpful! Thanks

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