
Les Faits

Aujourd’hui j’écris un rapport sur l’état de la Louisiane. L’état de la Louisiane a 4 684 333 habitants, le 25e plus grand dans les États Unies. Le drapeau de la Louisiane est un Pélican, qui est l’oiseau de l’état. Les mots “Union, Justice, Confidence” representent la devise de l’état. La chanson de la Louisiane est “Give me Louisiana”. La Nouvelle Orléans est en train de couler parce que la Louisiane est construis sur la delta de la Mississippi et après qu’ils l’ ont barré, le sable a retourne à la fleuve et la Nouvelle Orléans se désintègre lentement.

Les Festivals

Il y a 510 festival en Louisiane cette année! Le plus fameux est le Mardi Gras. C’est un festival gigantique qui se passe au cours d’ une semaine! Originalement Mardi Gras était une celebration avant l’Carême. Maintenant, c’est un des plus grand spectacles pour les touristes. En moyenne, le festival produit 900 tonnes de dêchets chaque année.


La Louisiane est different des autres états parce que il était controlé par l’Espagne et la France. Pour cela la culture de la Louisiane est une mélange de la France et de l’Éspagne. Durant la déportation Acadien beaucoup d’Acadiens étaient déporter a la Louisiane et ils sont devenus les Cajuns. Il y a aussi beaucoup d’esclave libéré qui vit a Louisiane parce que les Espagnols ont institue un loi nomme ” Coartación” qui à permi aux ésclaves d’achêter leur liberté. L’accent de la Louisiane est très Acadien.


La nourriture de la Louisiane est une combination unique de la nourriture Cajun, d’esclave, Française, Espagnol et tout ce que est disponible localement. L’alligator est un des ingredients les plus utilises. La nourriture est très epicée. Le gumbo, les Po’boys et les beignets sont tous des nourriture très fameux de la Louisiane. Le poisson et les fruits de mer sont utilisé beaucoup dans la cuisine de Louisiane.

Nouvelle Orleans

La Nouvelle Orleans est la plus grande ville en Louisiane. Elle est très fameux pour la nourriture et les fêtes. Des partis de la ville sont très beaux et d’autre ne sont pas. La culture est très variée et il ya des endroits qui sont dangereux comme Le Quartier Francais. La community LGBTQ+ est très active dans la districte française. La musique Jazz était inventé a la Nouvelle Orleans et continue d’être populaire et fameuse jusqu’a ce jour là.

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Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie: A Book review

Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie: A Book Report

 Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie is a book I got for Christmas from my parents. It is set in the summer of 1950 London England just after the war, in a big old mansion that is falling into debt. Living within are three sisters who hate each other, a father obsessed with stamps, a cook who can’t cook and a gardener who occasionally does strange things and doesn’t remember doing them.

The main character is 11 year old Flavia de Luce, an aspiring chemist who absolutely adores poisons. She will spend hours playing with atropa belladonna, amaranthus caudatus, sometimes obtained through stealing stuff from around the house. In her chemistry lab she loves to experiment, mostly to annoy her sisters. A murder happens at her house and she decides to investigate.

One of the things I really like about this book is how its written. I don’t know about you, but I love books where you don’t know what is going to happen until the last page. In some books you figure it out half way through and the rest is just boring. I also like the depth of the characters. They are not little flimsy characters with no depth whatsoever, They each have big, bold personalities – and interesting, sometimes questionable backgrounds.

I love books where I actually learn things and I did in this book. I learned, among other things interesting facts like chemical equations and the antidote to arsenic poisoning. I also learned about stamps. If you are the kind of person who likes mystery and suspense as well as jokes and big words I highly recommend this book.

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Hi everybody I’ve just come back from Drumheller and it is amazing. Me and my mom are on a trip to Alberta and it is awesome.

We landed in Calgary after flying til almost the time I wake up at home. We rented a car and drove to the Badlands, specifically Drumheller. The first thing we did in Drumheller was the Royal Tyrrell Museum.


We saw so many fossils. We saw a Stegosaurus and a  pachycephelosaurus and a fish inside of a fish (see above). And there were also cool globes that show you what the world used to look like. Then we went to our motel it was a super 8 motel it had an awesome pool with a hot tub and a waterslide. The next day we went to the world’s smallest church – it only sat 6 people!


Next I climbed a muddy hill it was very slippery.


Then we went to a fossil shop museum. They had a climbing wall, a megalodon mouth and an animatronic T Rex!


After that we went to the hoodoo’s and I climbed a huge cliff right up to the sandy part up top.


Then we went to the Atlas coal mine #3, which has North America’s only remaining wooden tipple, which is a large wooden structure with a large conveyer belt which moves the coal down from hill mines. A mixture of people and machinery used to sort the coal. We got a tour of the mine, or the parts that weren’t closed off, and then we climbed the world’s largest dinosaur, it was huge.


Afterwards we ate at a delicious Athenian restaurant – I had Souvlaki. Then we went to the hotel and slept. In the morning we packed and left.  I had a good time in Drumheller, it was an experience i won’t soon forget.


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Ma groupe de music


J’ai comencer une groupe de music qui s’apelle les Vikings. Les personnes dans la groupe de music est moi et Robbie. On a fait 2 chansons  qui s’apelle “fight the night & Finding Greenland” Ce son des très belles chansons je pense. On ecris une nouvelle chanson tout le temps.


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freddie and the crazy soup

Well…as you probably remember Freddie the foot and the new chef were making onion soup. they followed the cook book 100 amazing onion soups™! here is there recipe. WARNING DO NOT COPY RECIPE!


200 chopped onions

1 litre of tasmanian devil milk from a hypnotized tasmanian devil

1 cup of icing sugar

2 conpsognathus femurs

90 carrots


2 cups of chicken broth

stir and blend for 30 minutes,then heat in microwave for 2 minutes and serve hot.


100 amazing onion soups™




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our trip to Cuba

In Cuba, me and my mom visited this old fortress which was used to attack Pirates and  in the Cuban revolution +a bunch of other things.

Here are some swords used by generals.

Here is a fancy chair, a throne of some sort.

A cannonball delivery service.

Dominga Moncada a fighter here lived to the age of 95.

Nice view up here in the battlements.

Pictures of pirates (Sorry no pictures of you Dave Cormier.)

Just being a tipycal general.

Help!!! Its the dread pirate Dave!!!



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Amazing Animals

Last month, I was in Disney World with my family. My favourite kingdom was probably Animal Kingdom and my favourite ride there was the Kilimanjaro Safari.


First we saw a white rhinoceros grazing by a lake.  It was HUGE!


Then  we saw a bunch of huge hippos napping.  They weighed 5,000 pounds! I did not weigh them – our guide on the safari told us.  they can nap underwater.



Then we saw Nile crocodiles.  They were scary! (fact: An underground river underneath the Nile carries 4 times more water!)




After that we saw a warthog, just standing there. It was strange.


Then we saw a zebra up close. I wanted to touch it.


After the zebra we saw a lion. It was very majestic. I felt lucky to have seen it.


This is a relative of a cow, our guide told us. They had huge horns.


After that we saw two elephants under a baobab tree. The baobab tree was huge and amazing.


These were some of the animals i saw on the the Kilimanjaro safari.

bye bye


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rock facts

I am home today and I am learning about rocks. I got a rock collection from Scholastic and I’ve collected some in Belledune New Brunswick.

These are amber, amazonite, and tiger eye.

Amber is a sedimentary rock it’s colour range is -yellow, green, red, blue,  brown, or white it can be found worldwide but mostly in the Baltic Sea area. It’s between Sweden and Estonia in europe.

Amazonite is a mineral it’s colour range is Green, yellow-green, and blue-green it can be found in Asia and Africa.

Tiger’s eye is a minaral it’s Colour range is Brown, orange yellow and black it is found in south Africa.

Thank you for reading. Til next time!



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interview with a king

Q: Hello. Who are you?

A: my name is william the IV king of england. I am 42 years old.


Q: when were you born?


Q: Where were you born?

A:in york.

Q: How did you get here to Prince Edward Island?

A:by ship of course.

Q: What is your horse’s name?

A: james.

Q: Where is your castle?

A: in york. It is made of sandstone. The cannons are made of glass. hahaha.

Bye bye

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Freddie and the New Chef

be prepared for an alive foot.

I came 2nd in the Island literary awards this year with this story.

here is the story…

At Phinley’s Diner in Stratford PEI, there was a very busy kitchen.

Inside that very busy kitchen was a foot.

The foot was alive and he could talk. The foot’s name was Freddie. He had two little arms, and he was very good at chopping. Freddie had worked at Phinley’s Diner for 5 years.

He liked to say “I’m Freddie from Phinley’s.” He said it very loud, because he was so small he had to have a loud voice

Freddie had two eyes at the top of his ankle. He couldn’t reach his toenails so he had super-long toenail clippers. He liked to wear socks. He would wear one big human-sized sock and cut out holes for his arms and mouth. He had a long beard but he kept that under the sock especially at work.

Freddie had been raised in a family of feet and he lived in a big cardboard box in the restaurant. He kept it very clean. He slept on a book, with blankets.

One day, there was a crazy soup contest in PEI. All the restaurants were excited. Phinley’s hired a new chef to make a crazy crazy soup.

When the new chef came to Phinley’s for the first time, she didn’t know that a foot worked in the kitchen.

The new chef came into the kitchen and saw onions on a cutting board. Underneath the cutting board was Freddie. Just his eyes were showing.

The new chef picked up the cutting board and saw a foot sitting there.

She was scared and surprised.

“AAAAAAH! A foot!!!!” she cried. “I don’t want to make foot soup!!!!”

The new chef fell backwards with the cutting board. The onions fell off the cutting board into her eyes. She couldn’t see and she kicked around on the floor and hit the counter. Spice jars and stuff fell off the shelves onto the counter, all around Freddie. The jars spilled open. Freddie was covered in ginger, dill, and nutmeg.

Freddie tried to hop up and down and blow off the spices but they were too many so he closed his eyes and mouth.

The new chef got up. All she saw now was a big pile of spices. She thought, “why don’t I put that in my crazy soup?” So she got her pot and started to sweep the spices into the pot.

Freddie was being swept off the counter. He opened his eyes and realized he was about to become soup! Freddie reached out his arms and grabbed onto the chef’s bracelet. The spices fell into the pot.

“Hey stop!!!” shouted Freddie in his loud voice.

“AAAAAHHH!!!!!” said the new chef again.

“It’s okay,” said Freddie. “I work here. I’m Freddie from Phinley’s. Could you put me down, please?”

“AAAAHHHH!!!!” said the new chef for the third time. She tried to drop Freddie over the garbage but he wouldn’t let go.

“Hey stop there, you!” said Freddie. Then he used his super loud voice and shouted to the rest of the kitchen “HEY GUYS! SOMEBODY STOP THE NEW CHEF!!!!!!!”

The chief chef came running. “This is Freddie,” the chief chef said, grabbing Freddie and putting him safely on the counter. “He works here. Don’t make soup with him!”

“AAAAAHHHH!!!!!” said the new chef for the fourth time.

“Stop that shouting.” said Freddie. “Calm down. I’m just little and I’m a foot. But I can work and do everything that you can do. I like to read, and I can always read in bed, because I use a book for my bed! Isn’t that cool?”

The new chef was surprised. She had never met an alive foot before. “I thought you were a foot for my crazy soup,” she said. “I don’t like to make foot soup.”

“I wouldn’t like foot soup either” said Freddie. “Let’s make crazy onion soup instead. I have the perfect recipe.”

So they started chopping, boiling and measuring ingredients together, and after that, the new chef and the alive foot became a soup team.

When the crazy soup contest happened, they won first place and Phinley’s became famous all over the world.

The End.


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